Setting up a community foundation

Eunice, Arturo And Feliciano, Trustees Of The New Lenca Foundation (funledcom) With Their Lawyer Jose Santos (second Right)

One of our achievements in 2021 was to support the establishment of a community foundation.  Emerging from the work of volunteers over the last few years, its purpose is to provide a stronger organisational basis for implementing and coordinating the projects.  The foundation is called the Lenca Foundation for Community Development.  Lenca is the name of the indigenous ethnic group that belongs to the western highlands of the Honduras.

Let us introduce you to the trustees, from left to right, Arturo, Eunice, the lawyer José Santos, who has been helping them with the registration process, and finally, Feliciano who is the main man.  We wish the foundation all the very best as it develops in the coming years.

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